Customized In Ear.

Eartech In-ear monitors (IEMs) are devices used by musicians, audio engineers, to listen to music or to hear a personal mix of vocals and stage instrumentation for live performance or recording studio mixing. They are often custom fitted for an individual's ears to provide comfort and a high level of noise reduction from ambient surroundings.They are also used by t.v. presenters in order to receive vocal info, instructions and breaking news announcement from their producers that only the presenter hears. Eartech recommends the silicone technology in ears to provide best comfort and a high level of noise reduction.

- Stereo Custom Earbuds

- Perfect fit and comfort under a helmet Zero dislodging.

- Stay perfectly sealed at all times

- Superb noise reduction. Bye, bye wind noise!

- High-quality 27" stereo cord

- Large Custom Fit Comfort

- Eartech Pro Hi end speakers for Incredible audio quality



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